LabVIEW Code Review Session at NIWeek

Thanks to all of you who showed up for our NIWeek session about code reviews with LabVIEW. We’ll have a longer posting soon, but I wanted to make a few downloads available for you right away…
If you have any questions about these, please comment.
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You showed an example of documenting the queued message handler with a type of “Probe” which writes to a spreadsheet file. We were discussing the issues surrounding code reviews of these queued message handlers.
Do you have a copy of the code which acquires the case/messages sequences?
Sorry for the late reply; we’re swamped! But it’s coming; we’ll post an update soon.
In the meantime, you can create your own custom probe by right-clicking on the wire going into the case selector. Inside the probe VI, you can do whatever you want, such as writing to a text file.
It seems that links are not correct anymore.
Can you upload the slides again?
Sorry about that; I believe I’ve fixed the links now.