NIWeek 2011 Recommendations

NIWeek is our favorite conference of the year. Look for us next week and say hello.
As always, we strongly encourage you to attend all of the keynotes. The Wednesday keynote will be pretty special as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of LabVIEW.
Jeff Kodosky, Cofounder, Business and Technology Fellow, NI
Hear from Jeff Kodosky, the “Father of LabVIEW,” as he looks back at the creation of graphical programming and shares fundamental programming concepts vital to the next 25 years of graphical system design for meeting the most demanding application challenges.Shelley Gretlein, Director of Core Platforms – Software, NI
Shelley Gretlein, a key member of a new generation of leaders at NI, has been instrumental in the evolution of LabVIEW and empowering domain experts with graphical system design. Join Shelley in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the LabVIEW and see how engineers and scientists around the world use LabVIEW to innovate and develop pivotal world-changing applications. Learn how the global LabVIEW community will address the world’s biggest engineering challenges over the next 25 years.
Jeff has managed to find most of the original LabVIEW 1.0 developers and invited them to attend next week. (Brian is looking forward to seeing some old friends!)
Since the Field Architect focus is on software architectures and good programming skills, we wanted to highlight a few sessions that should be interesting. As always, there are many, many great sessions going on at the same time, so bring your LabVIEW friends to NIWeek, then split up and cover more sessions.
System Components With Object-Oriented Design Patterns
See how you can design and implement stand-alone, data-driven system components using applicable Gang-of-Four object-oriented design patterns and the model-view-controller composite architectural pattern. Learn why interfaces are important along with a simple way to create a basic functional equivalent in LabVIEW. Follow an example from state machine design to implementation incorporating reusable libraries.
Paul Lotz, DCT Software Engineering Manager, Lowell Observatory
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 1:00–2:00 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Building Quality LabVIEW User Interfaces
Review the components of a good LabVIEW user interface and design techniques aimed to communicate the purpose and function of your application at a glance. This session is for developers who build applications for others or who work on code that will be handed off for future development and maintenance.
Simon Hogg, LabVIEW Product Manager, and Nitin Thomas, Staff Software Engineer, NI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 1:00–2:00 p.m. ▶ Room 13A/B
Beyond State Machines: Building Modular Applications in LabVIEW
Nearly every significant LabVIEW application uses multiple loops and several pieces of hardware. Coordinating these moving pieces can create a recipe for unreadable code. Learn how to use a template for interprocess communication based on “public” and “private” events that is easy enough for intermediate developers but powerful enough for Certified LabVIEW Architects.
Justin Goeres, System Integration Expert, JKI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 2:15–3:15 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Advanced Error Handling in LabVIEW
Examine the challenges of implementing a full-featured error handling strategy in LabVIEW and the tools to meet some of the most common error handling needs. Discuss error classification and description; central versus specific error handling; and techniques for communicating, logging, and reporting errors.
Ryan King, Systems Engineer, NI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 3:30–4:30 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Practical Examples of LabVIEW OOP Classes and Use Cases
Examine practical LabVIEW object-oriented programming (OOP) class definitions and their uses in real-world applications; design considerations for the class definitions; and inheritance, dynamic dispatch, and effective use of public and private methods. Examples include a family of logging classes, a general-purpose communication class, and an interprocess messaging system.
Mark Yedinak, Engineer, Zebra Technologies Corporation
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 4:45–5:45 p.m. ▶ Room 10C
Building a Complete Data Monitoring and Storage System With CompactRIO
Building a configurable monitoring system for synchronized measurements can be challenging. Design considerations include robustness, compatibility, configurability, acquisition speed, and traceability. Examine the software design considerations for engineering such a system, and discuss advanced software techniques, design patterns, and software architectures.
Arnoud de Kuijper, Engineer, T&M Solutions B.V.
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 4:45–5:45 p.m. ▶ Room 11A
Customizing LabVIEW Controls and Indicators
The LabVIEW control editor lets you modify how the built-in controls and indicators look. Walk through what you can do with the control editor, how to do it, and a behind-the-scenes look at how they created the new “Silver” control theme in LabVIEW 2011.
Simon Hogg, LabVIEW Product Manager, and
Christina Rogers, Senior Software Engineer, NI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 4:45–5:45 p.m. ▶ Room 13A/B
LAVA/OpenG Barbecue
A premiere networking event for LabVIEW experts at the historic Scholz Garten in downtown Austin. $30/person.
Register at
Changing Your Mindset for LabVIEW Real-Time and LabVIEW FPGA Programming
Have you used LabVIEW for your desktop and considered using LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA for your next project? Learn what to expect when making the transition and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Ryan King, Systems Engineer, NI
Wednesday, August 3 ▶ 10:30–11:30 a.m. ▶ Room 14
Team-Based Development Techniques and the Impact of Source-Only VIs
Learn configuration management best practices, including how to manage files using the LabVIEW Project Explorer, integration with popular source code control tools such as Subversion, and how the new source-only VI file format can help ensure that code changes do not cause a ripple effect through your application hierarchy.
Peter Guo and George Martinez, LabVIEW Senior Software Engineers, NI
Wednesday, August 3 ▶ 1:00–2:00 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Building Plug-In Architectures and HALs
Watch as we apply two popular software design patterns from the Gang-of-Four text to illustrate examples of powerful and scalable architectures in LabVIEW. View a command pattern as an alternative to a traditional producer-consumer pattern in demonstrating basic object-oriented concepts. This example also illustrates the use of a factory pattern to dynamically load and create plug-ins, which is used in a HAL example.
Elijah Kerry, LabVIEW Product Manager, NI
Thursday, August 4 ▶ 1:00–2:00 p.m. ▶ Room 17B
Best Practices for LabVIEW Real-Time Development
Go into your next LabVIEW Real-Time project with confidence. Gain insight from NI experts on how to improve reliability, reduce jitter, and optimize performance in your real-time systems.
Tanya Visser, Engineer, NI
Thursday, August 4 ▶ 2:15–3:15 p.m. ▶ Room 13A/B
Software Engineering Tools for LabVIEW
As LabVIEW plays a larger role in increasingly complex systems, it’s important that developers have access to software engineering tools that can help ensure application quality and reliability. Gain an overview of the LabVIEW tools that can help automate and improve some of the most time-consuming aspects of software engineering.
Elijah Kerry, LabVIEW Product Manager, NI
Wednesday, August 3 ▶ 2:15–3:15 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Thursday, August 4 ▶ 2:15–3:15 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Software Engineering With LabVIEW
Get hands-on experience with revision control, Subversion, NI Requirements Gateway, LabVIEW VI Analyzer, LabVIEW Unit Test Framework, and LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace toolkits.
Elijah Kerry, LabVIEW Product Manager, NI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 2:15–3:15 p.m. ▶ Room 18C
Wednesday, August 3 ▶ 10:30–11:30 a.m. ▶ Room 18C
The LabVIEW Compiler and Memory Management Techniques
Explore the internal workings of the LabVIEW compiler and execution engine and learn how to use those principles to optimize your code for improved run-time performance and memory use.
Adam Bordelon, Staff Software Engineer, NI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 4:45–5:45 p.m. ▶ Room 14
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Performance
Join an interactive presentation that covers a variety of simple techniques to improve VI performance.
Darren Nattinger, Engineer, NI
Thursday, August 4 ▶ 10:30–11:30 a.m. ▶ Room 17B
Trends in LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming
NIWeek 2011 marks five years since object-oriented features first appeared in LabVIEW. This style of LabVIEW programming continues to show its power. Examine interesting frameworks, online resources, and good programming practices that focus on new innovations since NIWeek 2010.
Stephen Mercer, Senior Software Engineer, NI
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 3:30–4:30 p.m. ▶ Room 13A/B
Organizing Your Company’s Test Data With the ATML Standard Using NI TestStand and DIAdem
Every department within a company wants to use its own file format for data collection, analysis, and archiving. Learn how the ATML standard can help you store truly parameterized and relational data that can be easily imported into a standard database and other applications including Microsoft Office and NI TestStand.
Christopher Relf, Chief Architect, V I Engineering Inc.
Tuesday, August 2 ▶ 4:45–5:45 p.m. ▶ Room 15
We also want to highlight a few other blog posts about NIWeek 2011 that we think you’ll find helpful…