Help With LabVIEW Research Project

Happy new year from the NI Field Architects! Just a quick post to let you know of an opportunity for you to make LabVIEW better.
As you might imagine with a product as powerful as LabVIEW, we are working on a variety of research projects with several leading universities around the world. There’s one in particular that I want to highlight today.
At Oregon State University, Dr. Chris Scaffidi and his students imagine a LabVIEW that guides you to write better code.
For example, If LabVIEW detects code that it thinks could be written more efficiently, it should help you improve it.
As one engineer put it, the idea is to have LabVIEW detect “bad smells” in your code.
Dr. Scaffidi and his students are collecting examples of these “bad smells”, and they’d also like to collect some “good smells”, too, for comparison.
If you’re willing to submit code for the project, please visit the project’s upload page here…
They’ll take non-working code, fragments of code, complete programs… whatever you’re willing to submit. They’re especially interested in code that could be more efficient in terms of memory usage and/or execution time.
Obviously, they take your privacy seriously, so be sure to read the Institutional Review Board’s consent form for more information.
Thanks for helping with this project! We’ll be back in 2012 with some exciting new ideas.