2013 European Certified LabVIEW Architect Summit

Paris, France – We’re in the midst of the 2013 European CLA Summit. We have over 50 CLAs meeting for two and a half days, discussing advanced LabVIEW concepts. This year’s theme is Interprocess Communications. We’ve had presentations by several CLAs from around the world. (Including a few CLAs who traveled from the USA to attend.)
The CLA Summits are like a very intense LabVIEW User Group Meeting. We are having lots of great discussion, generating lots of new ideas, and we’ve met several new friends. A big thanks to NI France for hosting us.
Here’s a photo of Jeff Kodosky giving opening remarks at the Summit.
We’ve had tremendous growth at the CLA Summits—record attendance in both Austin (over 100 CLAs) and in Paris. Keep working on your LabVIEW CLA certification, so we can see you at next year’s summits.